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Hire Copywriter and Content Creator In The Philippines

Toby F.



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Copywriter and Content Creator


Are you on the hunt for a results-driven copywriter? Someone who can help magnify the benefits of your offer and turn your traffic into sales? Congratulations! You are on the right profile. Hi, my name is Toby. I help online businesses and agencies increase their revenue with my copywriting skills. Now, as a business owner looking to hire a copywriter, you're probably thinking... “Can he write good sales copy?” “Can he deliver it on time?” “Will it be easy and enjoyable to work with him?” If you feel the same way about me, I completely understand. So let me toot my own horn a little. For the past year, I’ve written FB ad copy, emails, and sales page for some coaches and agencies. Though I don’t have tons of credentials under my belt… I’m always improving my copywriting skills so I can provide better results to my clients. That’s why I took courses from top copywriters such as: - The RMBC Method by Stefan Georgi - 80/20 Email Copy (Ian Stanley) & Email Academy (Chris Orzechowski) - Read Ben Settle’s resources - Digital Marketing (Ryan Deiss) - Ecommerce Email Marketing (Chase Dimond) But what good are those courses if I don’t apply them, right? So here's what I do: I analyze winning sales copy and practice writing every single day. As a result, I’ve created a simple system which helps me write decent sales copy and meet deadlines. And because I’m also running my own copywriting business… I understand the overall sales process. This sets me apart from other copywriters who just “write” without considering how everything fits together. Lastly, I want to make sure I meet my client's expectations. Most copywriters disappear for a few days and come back with a finished sales copy... which is totally different from what their clients have in mind. Frustrating, right? That’s why I use the Checkpoint System. I do a section of a sales page or few emails, then I’ll show it to you first to make sure we’re on the same page in terms of voice and angle before I proceed writing the rest. Now… My copywriting skills won’t be much help to you if all I do is talk about my experience and skills… So if you have a copywriting project, hit me up and let me know the details so I can better understand your business and see if and how I can help. Okay? Thanks! Your soon-to-be copywriter, Toby Fajardo

$701/Month Full-Time Bachelor 1 years
$701/Month Full-Time
$Bachelor 1 years

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Associate Software Engineer


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Jhanna P.


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Joanna C.


Ms. Joanna


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Joanna C.


Ms. Joanna


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